Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My First WinterJam! Or, The Time I Met David Crowder

Friday, January 20th 2017, I got off work at 6:00 planning to meet my brother in the parking lot. Unfortunately, he was running late and when he arrived we had to stop at the gas station for a quick refuel. Then, finally we were on our way to Pittsburgh for WinterJam.

Colton Dixon

When we arrived at the PPG Paints arena, we found a great parking space in the garage at the side entrance.

We hurried inside, an hour late. The nice guards at the door let us in for free! 

We got in just in time for a couple songs from Colton Dixon. 

Tenth Avenue North

This was followed by awesome performances from Tenth Avenue North, Britt Nicole and others.  

Snapshot from Crowder's performance. 

My brother and I agree that, as awesome as everyone was, David Crowder was our favorite act that night! 

Crowder, Nathanael & I.

So,  after his grand finale performance, we slipped through the crowd and got in line for Crowder's autograph. 

We were the last people in the line and the guards cut the line off behind us. 

Turns out that the show was running 30 minutes behind that night, so staff were eager to keep things moving. 

David Crowder and yours truly.

 We only spent 40 minutes in line,  then got a moment to say hi to Crowder before the staff hurried us along. But we both got cool selfies with him. 

The WinterJam artists, preparing for takeoff.

When we got back to the car,  I looked  out into the city for a photo, and seen the tour buses below us and got a cool photo. 

Definitely a night to remember!