Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25th 2023

It was nice to sleep in a bit. Was up and at 'em in plenty of time to get ready for Dad to pick me up and take me down to their house. Nathanael and Mitchell got there just before me. Immediately sampled some of Mom's baked treats. She had made a whole bunch of cookies and brownies and fudge and had already packed up some for each of us! We had a very nice dinner (I might have spoiled it by eating too many cookies and brownies). Then we unwrapped presents. Mitchell got me something very cool and Nathanael got me some peanut butter fudge from Cabela's. Mom and Dad got me several cool presents too. I felt silly that I hadn't got anyone anything, but I'm completely broke. (I even forgot their cards at home :( ) Nevertheless, we had a good time. When I got home, I watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special and then went to bed. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 23rd 2023

Worked my shift. My phone was working really inconsistently this morning and I was getting worried it would cut out altogether before I could get a replacement. Unfortunately, while I was still at work, it died for good. No more waking this bad boy up. Fortunately, over the last week with all the trouble it has been giving me, I've moved all my files over to the SD card I use for additional storage and the memos over to my email so that I can access them from everywhere. When I got home, I used my laptop to message Mom and let her know that I'll be a little harder to contact until I can get a new phone. Spent the rest of the evening working on my computer and watching shows. It will also be more difficult for me to keep track of what I've done day to day without my phone camera.