Monday, April 22, 2019

Life - Marches On (April Updates)

So, it's amazing how time flies by. A remark I make often, but it holds true every time.

Our beautiful park, Sally Buffalo in Cadiz, OH

I began drafting this post during the first hours of April, the title, "Marches On" to be a sort of pun on March having just passed. Now, a whole three weeks later, I realized that I never completed or posted it.

Primarily, I have been occupied with my job at Shurfast Food Mart and helping care for my little brother, but I have managed to fit in some of my trademark adventures a long the way. I have been sorting through my photos and videos for material for this blog and my YouTube channel, and also filmed some brand new material at a Cabela's store in West Virginia and the Railroad Depot in my hometown of Dennison, Ohio.

My buddy Scout and I at work. 
More on those adventures in due time.

I am also working on creating a podcast and one YouTube series in particular, a sort of show-and-tell series I'm calling "Supercool." I am going to be reaching out to some people to see if I can get a different guest for each video in the series, as I think that would be fun to do.

With a trip to New York City in January and a few days in Boston back in March, my travels are off to a good start in 2019 - though I have a lot more places to visit before my planned move to Sydney, Australia in 2020. Working one job with inconsistent hours has made traveling a little more difficult than when I was working two jobs; I've planned and postponed 3 trips so far this year, Los Angeles and Fort Myers Beach being destinations I wish to revisit and Halifax, Nova Scotia being a new place I'd like to explore; these things will come in due time, I suppose.

Beautiful Boston Public Library Courtyard
My next adventure in Los Angeles looks to be going ahead soon; I plan to fly out in time for The Voice finale next month, if I can procure some tickets when they become available. I am also hoping to take one of my coworkers with me on this outing, as I usually travel alone and (as much as I enjoy the whole lone ranger thing) I want to change things up a little for my 3rd year of traveling, especially because I plan to move so far away next year.

As for the whole moving to Australia thing, since I've not yet covered that out here: I visited Sydney in December for the first time and rather liked it, my cousin has been living down there for 11 years now; and having come from the same area I currently live in, she is now an Australian citizen. I am planning to get a working holiday visa and go down and stay with her for a year and really get to experience Australia. My cousin works in traffic control and I will most likely work for her. I am super excited about this opportunity.

Beautiful Australian coastline.
On a less sunny note, things have not been easy recently. It would feel wrong for me not to mention some of the less pleasant things that have been happening as of late. We are trying to get my little brother the mental help he needs and some days it is difficult. Some days it seems like it is completely impossible. I'm not yet ready to explain all of that out here, but eventually I will.

Yesterday, Easter Sunday, I lost a dear friend when Danny Manbeck passed and additionally my grandmother went into the ICU after a terrible fall from her hospital bed. It's been a lot to process and it hasn't really hit yet. Please keep everyone in your prayers, whether you know us personally or not, as we need all the prayers we can get!

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I've decided to start ending my blogs with songs that I like. I do not own or endorse the music or artists, unless otherwise noted. Please enjoy my selection of the day. 

"New Horizons" by Flyleaf

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