Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jesus - more than you think He is

*Originally Published on February 11th, 2015*

Never mind what people say, the Bible is consistent and full of rich detail. You can't just understand it by casually reading it, it has to be studied. The Bible tells us all about Jesus.

Jesus, as God and Man, is tremendously different from the way He is portrayed. He is dynamic, multifaceted, limitless. He is wise. He never makes a mistake. He is a Spirit that has always been and always will be. He is Goodness, Love, Life.

There is no way to sum God up in a Facebook post.

Jesus is not who He is portrayed to be in the tv shows, the movies, the storybooks...

He isn't a little, feminine figure with a scrawny little frame who makes everyone smile. Nor is He a macho, attention-seeking thespian dramatically calling everyone to cease in judgment.

I don't know who that is, but it isn't my Jesus.

The Jesus in the Bible was a strong, masculine carpenter, who was not physically attractive. What made Him beautiful was His Spirit. He didn't make everyone smile, especially not the religious establishment who were expecting a different sort of Messiah.

The Jesus in the Bible was gentle, meek and did not seek attention.

He suffered dreadfully and was marred out of recognition.

My Jesus came to earth as a physical manifestation of the invisible God that He always was. He suffered all the temptations that we humans suffer and lived out His Word, His own instructions for humanity, never once breaking His commandments - though He walked among us as a weak human. He gave us an example of how to live in the Spirit of God.

After living sinless and perfect, He died sinless and perfect, never once snapping under the brutal beatings and execution He suffered. He prayed forgiveness for His tormentors and executioners.

That's powerful stuff.

After He fulfilled all His commandments, was executed and buried, He rose from the dead, fulfilling His promise - conquering death and hell.

I love reading the Bible and understanding more and more about my Lord and Savior. I hope everyone reading this will be inspired to get into their Bibles and read and study for yourself. If you don't have a Bible, send me a message and I'll help you get one. 
smile emoticon
God Bless.

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