Thursday, December 6, 2018

Day 4: First Day in Hawaii (Epic End of 2018 Trip)

It's clearly early on December 2nd by the time I'm questioning my sanity. Of course, if I'm talking about questioning my sanity, this blog really could be about any ordinary Tuesday. But no, this time I'm referring to Sunday, December the 2nd, 2018. After walking a couple miles from the Honolulu airport, I had already gotten myself lost a couple times and walked in circles. I ended up in an area I remembered from last December. There's a Harley shop and a Wendy's.

Now, if you recall, I was running a little short on cash. So I'm thinking, I couldn't take the bus if I wanted to. But after passing a bus stop, I turn around and realize that if I walk back to the intersection with the Harley shop and the Wendy's, there is actually an ATM right across the street from the Harley shop. Google said the Wendy's is open until 3am.

I get some money from the ATM, then hurry to get something from Wendy's so that I have smaller bills before they close. I figured that it would be drive thru only, but I was still a little disappointed when that turned out to be the case. (That should be listed on the internet and the sign outside.) So, as I said in the previous post, it is hard to turn me away from a plan. I went up to the drive thru window, knocked and ordered a large fruit punch. Mission accomplished. I scurried back to the bus stop.

I catch the bus, pay the $2.75 fare. A gentleman riding the bus informs me that for $5.50 I can get a day pass. I thought I had read that somewhere. I confirm that with the driver, but I don't buy it because I've run out of small bills. :(

So, the man with the plan is now gonna have to walk the rest of the way, and I don't have enough money for my room either. Gonna have to start calling people and see where that paycheck I was expecting over the weekend ended up.

I sit down at the bus stop for a minute, debating whether I should spend more of my cash and take the bus. I look around. Suddenly, I realize that I'm right next to Aliʻiolani Hale (people from the mainland know it as the headquarters from Hawaii 5-0). I am somewhat encouraged as this never seemed far from Waikiki Beach, at least not on a bus. Google Maps was less encouraging. Over 3 and a half miles, not usually a challenge for me, but I'm tired and now I'm carrying two bags.

My memory of all that is a little hazy, but I do remember that I snapped some photos of the Christmas displays downtown and then started walking. I also remember sitting down several times. One time it was because my phone was so full that it wouldn't even allow texts to come through and I missed a phone call from my Dad. I sat down and loaded the photos and videos over onto my laptop instead.

By that point, I was in Waikiki, just a few blocks from the beach. I was sooo tired! Along the way, I had literally started seeing things that weren't there (including the invisible people that the local crazies talk to), I'd stumbled like a drunk man a few times, because frankly, I was falling asleep while walking. I thought for sure the cops were gonna say something to me, one time there was cop right there when I stumbled. They seemed to be ignoring all the homeless people and the random kids getting high, so I must have blended in alright.

Finally, I reached the beach. I took some pictures of the sunrise. Talked to one of my brothers, who was kind enough to loan me the $30 I was short and then I took a nap right there by the beach, listening to the waves. Check in at the hostel wasn't until 3:30, so I was going to try and sleep as long as possible. I woke up a couple hours later and went to McDonald's and got some french fries and fruit punch.

Eventually all my electronics died and since I kept falling asleep on benches and stuff, I wasn't sure of the time anymore, so I decided to go to the hostel and see what time it was/if I could check in. It was too early to check in still, my room wasn't ready yet, but they let me check my extra bag into their storage area so I didn't have to carry it around with me and then I got to sit in the lounge and charge my cell phone. I fell asleep there until about 3:30 and then I went and checked in.

The room key deposit was more than I remembered ($20, which makes sense when you realize that it is a waterproof wristband that unlocks a door), so they let me pay for the first 4 nights and I'll have to come back and pay for the 5th night when I get the money. Took my stuff up to my room. Got a shower and felt a lot better!

After all that, I made it back out to the beach to watch the sun go down. Got myself some chicken nuggets from Burger King as well. 20 nuggets were only $3-something. Back home, $3.01 only gets me ten nuggets at Wendy's. Though, I do like Wendy's nuggets better, I will admit.

Got some sunset pics, walked around a little bit on the beach after dark. It was great! Eventually, I went back and worked on my computer for awhile. Ended up dozing off and woke up in the middle of the night and went up to bed.

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