Thursday, October 19, 2023

Getting Some Work Done Around the House - October 19th 2023

Despite the odd day I had yesterday with the mood swings and exhaustion, I was in a better mood today and I've been trying to drink more water and catch up on some things. I was pretty determined to stay awake today. I worked my shift and added a paragraph or two to my novel I'm drafting as well.

Took another walk to Goodwill before going home. They have a huge selection of Christmas wrapping paper, which may come in handy when I get to wrapping stuff here in a week or so. I do have quite a few Christmas presents ready to go (because I bought them during the years when I worked so much that I forgot I had them).

When I got home, I set to work cleaning some things up. Washing dishes, scrubbing the floors, making my bed - all the stuff I've been neglecting while I've been in this funk these past 3 weeks or so. Whilst working around the house, I've been listening to Big Finish audio dramas. I had been wanting to listen to 1 a day from the beginning of October, just to get in the habit, to check some stories off my wishlist. I had listened to a few here and there, but I wasn't quite to 1 a day yet. So I figured I'd catch up today whilst working. 

When I worked on my computer, I watched a couple of movies and worked on one of my shows. Mom and Dad stopped by briefly on a test drive of their van - which the mechanic is not available to work on, unfortunately. A little random, but I also finished my list of every episode of Thomas the Tank Engine, aided by the Thomas Wiki, of course. I called it a night shortly thereafter, as it was getting late. 

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