Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Little Bit About Me

 This post was originally a part of the "The Life of Zack" series on the I Am Medley Blog, which

was meant to kick off in early 2020, but is getting a reboot in 2024. 


Wow, a little bit about me... Where to begin?

Well, as cheesy as it may sound: "I had to have high, high hopes for a livin', shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killin',
didn't have a dime, but I always had a vision."

Born in the unsavory city of Steubenville, Ohio; I spent the first few months of my life in Brilliant - right down on the Ohio River, then spent a year or so in Cadiz before moving to Dennison - where I spent a significant part of my childhood.

Eventually, the Dennison neighborhood got so bad that we had to move, even though the house itself was quite lovely. The neighbor killed my dog, the crack house was next door to us and after we moved someone used a gun in a crime and dumped it in our yard.

This ol' farm house is over 100 years old!

The place we moved was an old farm house just outside of Jewett, Ohio. Things have been interesting here too, despite our distance from "civilization." People have harassed us, killed our pets, dropped off strays and stole stuff right out of our yard. Ever wonder why Ohio produces so many astronauts? I think things have soured enough here that people wonder what they're even doing on this planet.

But that's not me. I have a condition known as eternal optimism. I mean granted, I have my days (heck, months sometimes) when I wonder where on earth we went wrong with all this crap that happens... But you know what? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

The point is, I try to look at the glass as half full. I'm hopeful, not in the stupid way that people are on TV when they beg the killer not to hurt them, but in the kind of way that even when the gun is in my face I'll be looking for a way out.

I do, however, enjoy dressing all in black and staring into the distance ominously.
Since I was 5 years old, I've had these big dreams. First, I wanted to be a paleontologist - digging up dinosaur bones and putting them in museums seemed like the ideal life for me. But I thought, what if I wanted to be a teacher? Or a firefighter? Definitely a writer. Acting seems like a pretty cool career too... Then I realized, there isn't anything saying I can't do a little bit of everything.

So, I've spent my life thus far dreaming big dreams. I've spent my years trying to help people and learning the heartbreaking lesson that you cannot save everyone and some people don't want to be helped.

I became a born-again Christian back in 2010, year before I graduated. My folks raised me a Christian, but understanding it for yourself and committing to it because you really believe - that is something I wouldn't trade for anything, even all this other awesomeness I've seen and experienced. I'd say that's where my optimism comes from, knowing deep down in my soul that no matter how many times we mess it all up, God is putting it back together - and I want to help.

I was baptized in late 2009.

I've been a photographer since I was 7. I was gifted a camera when we lived in town and began taking photos, even entered some in a contest and won ribbons after a trip to the Grand Canyon. Then my Dad bought me a Canon AE-1 and started teaching me the ins-and-outs of aperture and shutter speed. One of my favorite cameras ever.

I love looking at the world through a camera trying to capture the beauty in everything: towering walls of stone, a bird fluttering on an ocean breeze and the way light meets a shadow.

I've had a modicum of success designing websites and managing social media for a few sites, interviewing some very interesting people working in film and television. Actors, directors and producers; I've probably some 40 interviews under my belt. I'd like to foray further into the world of journalism. But even if I never do, I'll have enjoyed the times I have had.

Beautiful photographs taken in far off places warm my heart.

I yearn for adventure. Since I was but a wee lad, I dreamed of far off lands and seeing the world for myself. In more recent years, I've begun traveling, discovering that fortunately, I have quite the knack for trip planning and finding the very best of deals online. I've been to nearly every state in the US of A, a couple of whirlwind tours of England and a lovely visit to Australia.

I've worked in fast food and in a gas station, even with my deal-finding travel radar, you have to work a couple of jobs to fund the wild expeditions I go on. That feeling when you crest a mountain top, the wind whipping about you, the fatigue threatening to toss you over the precipice to certain death, but seeing the ocean blue for mile upon mile into the horizon... That's the kind of thing that is priceless.

So, there's a little bit about me. Just tip of the iceberg stuff really. Be sure to stick around it you want to join in my adventures, I'd love to have you along for the ride!

Staring off into the Hawaiian sunset, dreaming of adventures to come.

I've decided to start ending my blogs with songs that I like. I do not own or endorse the music or artists, unless otherwise noted. Please enjoy my selection of the day. 

Today's selection has been on repeat for the last month or so. I really feel this song. It's like one of those songs that really defines me. I give you, Play to Win by Disciple. 

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