Friday, January 3, 2020

My Childhood Obsession with Thomas the Tank Engine

This post was originally published on my "I Am Medley" blog as part of my "The Life of Zack" series. 


I was introduced to Thomas the Tank Engine on my 2nd birthday when my parents purchased the "Thomas Gets Tricked" VHS for me. I cannot remember if they got me any ERTL diecast models that birthday, but they certainly did on my third birthday!

This was my introduction to Thomas - this pic from a Google search.

On my third birthday, my parents and everyone invited to my party brought ERTL trains! I must have received twenty Thomas characters that year and after that I began collecting the ERTL line, as well as the VHS tapes.

Over the following years, I continued collecting VHS tapes and ERTLs. Season 4 episodes became my favorites and Duke became my favorite character. I even remember, for a brief period of time, I thought maybe the Island of Sodor was a real place and some steam engines could talk.

Grabbed this picture from the Thomas Wikia

I have many fond memories of playing with my trains and watching the tapes.

I continued to watch Thomas even after all the other kids my age "outgrew" it. I mean, it's a great show! I gained a bit of a reputation, and people who hadn't seen me in awhile would always ask "you still watchin' Thomas the Train?"

I quit watching for awhile after Series 5, I didn't like a few episodes that season, but I got back into the show when the "Salty's Secret" tape was released.

Grabbed this photo from eBay.

I got back into collecting ERTLs and as eBay was a big deal at the time, Dad found more of them and some of the harder to get ones. Then we found out that ERTL's line of Thomas models were being discontinued.

I became involved in the website called the Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia around the time when the show converted from models and miniatures to CGI cartoon. It's a user-contribution site that anyone can edit, so it was a bit of a mess at first, but I helped organize the community there and it became hugely popular with thousands of users and several successful admin teams even after I left the site.

I later came to learn that the website was being used by the writing and animation crews for reference for story and other details in the show. That was pretty exciting.

I took this photograph myself. @ Thomas Land, August 2017

I went a few years without being involved in the site or really watching the show, but when I got the opportunity to visit England a couple years back, I jumped at the opportunity to visit Thomas Land and see the models they have there.

Even more recently, I attended a train show in New Jersey at which some fellow fans were displaying models and props which they had preserved from the show. Exciting stuff!

Another of my own photos! My old favorite, Duke, in New Jersey.

Just this morning, January 3rd 2020, I rejoined the Thomas Wiki's social media team and I hope to be more involved in the Thomas fandom again, as it has always been a fun part of my life.

I'm seriously interested in seeing as many of the props up close as I possible can and any ways I can contribute to the cause of preserving them.

Anyway, be sure to follow my Twitter, as that is where I post most of my Thomas the Tank Engine stuff. Also, be sure to follow the Thomas Wikia on Twitter and subscribe to our Thomas Wikia YouTube channel

I've decided to start ending my blogs with songs that I like. I do not own or endorse the music or artists, unless otherwise noted. Please enjoy my selection of the day. 

Today's selection, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a song from Thomas & Friends.

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