Thursday, January 23, 2020

Court Dates, Captain Picard, Mitchell and Sad News

 This is part of the "2020" series, originally published on my "I Am Medley" blog. 


So, I decided to avoid the stress of Aaron's court date. It wasn't necessary for me to be there, so I let Mom and Dad go and take care of it. Ordinarily, I'd have gone to provide moral support, but even though we agree with and support Aaron's decision that he no longer wishes to live with us, some of the local vultures that love to heckle us are likely to be there, and I cannot handle that.

So, I stayed home and ended up watching the premiere of Star Trek: Picard. I was pretty impressed with it. I've never considered myself a Trekkie, but I have always been a fan of Captain Picard. I ended up doing a brief reaction video and posting it on YouTube. I may even do a proper review video eventually, since this is both a fresh new show and very nostalgic at the same time.

After all that, I decided to whack off my hair and proceeded to shave my head. I wasn't quite finished with my haircut when Mom and Dad returned. They were planning on going back out for lunch, so I asked if I could tag along. We ended up going to JP's and getting the cod platter. Delicious as always!

After that we went home and I went back to work on my usual stuff, writing and designing graphics and the like. Mitchell messaged me and asked if I could help him out with some stuff when he got off work and of course I said yes. 

First we went to the hardware store, where he bought a toilet and a drain auger and then we went back to his place. I let his puppy out for a little bit and cleaned some stuff up for him before carrying the old toilet out. 

After we were done at the house, we rode over to Capraro's in Hopedale. I'd been there for a birthday party quite a few years ago, but never since. Mitchell bought me a sandwich for helping him out and we hung out for a bit, talking to the bartender and another customer. 

After this, we went to Scio to fill up on gas. It was here that Mom tried to call us. I was a little puzzled, because Mom knows that service is spotty in this area and we'd only been gone for a grand total of 3 hours. I am usually pretty easy to get in contact with, but my phone has been out of minutes lately as I have not had steady work in a few months. So, I was a little worried when we got home, what had happened that was so bad that Mom had to call us?

It turns out that my grandma had passed away. Mom's mother, just a couple weeks after losing her dad. I wasn't super close with them, but it's devastating all the same, and hard to process that they're really gone. If anybody's reading this, please say a prayer for Mom, as I know she's taking this pretty hard.

So, that was the 23rd day of 2020.

I've decided to start ending my blogs with songs that I like. I do not own or endorse the music or artists, unless otherwise noted. Please enjoy my selection of the day.

A rendition of Captain Picard's Inner Light Theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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