Wednesday, January 1, 2020

First Day of the New Year!

 This post was originally a part of the "2020" series on the I Am Medley Blog, which

was meant to kick off in early 2020, but is getting a reboot in 2024. 


So, a lot of stuff happened today!

I recorded my first video of the year (and the first video on my new YouTube channel) as well as a podcast about my ambitions for this whole "I Am Medley" project, set for release next week.

I've had trouble getting my stuff to upload due to internet connectivity issues. Remind me when I make my fortune to invest in an internet company that actually delivers.

Anyway, here's my first video on aforementioned I Am Medley YouTube channel:

A dark spot on an otherwise promising day is that my parents aren't feeling well. Mom lay on the couch all day and can't keep anything down. Say a prayer for her, if you will.

Even though an awful lot of my day consisted of trying to get my projects organized, a few posts scheduled and the like, I managed to find some good books to read and am several chapters into one right now. It's called "Murder is the Word." Fun read so far!

I'm also setting out to eat very differently and spend more time writing as well. This isn't an overnight change, but something I've been working towards for awhile and I have high hopes for success this year.

I sit here in the dark with all my kittens that I've taken in around me, and though I know that everything I have set my heart on to accomplish will be a lot of work - I believe I can accomplish it.


I've decided to start ending my blogs with songs that I like. I do not own or endorse the music or artists, unless otherwise noted. Please enjoy my selection of the day. 

Today's selection: a rendition of the classical piece "Trumpet Voluntary" originally by Jeremiah Clarke on an organ. I got the idea to share this piece after it was referenced in a novel I was reading.

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